Latest Design Trends & Hacks That Will Support Your Idea


Welcome to the UX & UI blog page where we talk about latest trends and hacks in design technology and solutions – enjoy!

  • By Marc
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  • images 18 May 2021

Consider this: 70% of app users abandon apps that take too long to load. And if your app crashes even once, 71% of them are likely to just uninstall it!...

  • By Aleksandar
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  • images 04 May 2021

In 2010, the average individual watched 3.75 hours of television every day. Fast forward to 2021, that number has dropped to just 2.38 hours. Today, the modern consumer spends 3.25 hours of their daily time on their smartphones....

  • By Marc
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  • images Comments : 3
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  • images 20 Apr 2021

The UI vs. UX debate rages on even as businesses, developers, and designers continue to follow conflicting philosophies to app development. For businesses, the debate translates to a simple question: What should you focus on – app functionality or app design?...

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